Clickerz Community is a photography club, which promote photography and is committed to support photographer in the best possible way.

The distinction provided by Clickerz Community comes with a set of responsibility and a gift package to a photographer. It’s not only a distinction provided to an eminent photographer, but also a relation and a honour to a photographer who has shown an immense dedication towards photography and always shown his/her support towards Clickerz Community and also to his/her own photographic society/club.

Clickerz Community respects the effort, time and dedication of a photographer has taken to create a master piece and that is why we have tried our best to thank all the photographers for their effort and dedication about photography.


Photographer will be honoured with distinction medal and certificate along with the following privileges.

HON.CC (BRONZE): 2-photo walk.

HON.CC (SILVER): 3-photo walk and 1-indoor shoot (under Clickerz Community & NISCP GROUP banner).

HON.CC (GOLD): The club will bear 5-photo walk, 2-indoor shoot and 25% waiver of Salon/Circuit fees (under Clickerz Community & NISCP GROUP banner).

HON.CC (PLATINUM): The club will bear 10-photo walk, 4-indoor shoot and 35% waiver of Salon/Circuit fees (under Clickerz Community & NISCP GROUP banner).


* Photographer need to apply for the distinction only using updated distinction form. Updated form will be available to download from the web site of clickerz community.

* The decision of the admin panel will be final and binding on the concern applicant.

* Photographer must have at least one National or International distinction from a recognized photography board.

* Photographer need to submit the distinction certificate copy while submitting his/her form for HON.CC.

* Photographer eligible should complete the criteria mention below

    HON.CC (BRONZE)    – 200 Points

     HON.CC (SILVER)      – 450 Points

     HON.CC (GOLD)         – 800 Points

     HON.CC (PLATINUM) – 1250 Points

* Point Calculation is mention below

a. The entire acceptance under Clickerz community banner will be counted as 1 Point.

  Example: 11 Acceptance = 11 Points

b. Any award under Clickerz community banner will be counted as 5 Points.

c. Award like FIP GOLD, FIP RIBBON, FIAP GOLD, PSA GOLD will be counted as 10 Points.

* Admin panel in Clickerz Community will honour (HON.CC (BRONZE)) by randomly selecting 02 eminent photographers who has achieved the highest level of distinction in photography and it will be on nomination basis.

* Honor distinction will be declared every year in month of December.

* Members of Clickerz Community will be honored with 50 points on the time of joining the Clickerz Community Club and will be counted in honor calculation.

* As per the Clickerz Community club rule the members can participate in his own club so the points are mentioned below.

a. The acceptance achieved in salon/circuit will be counted as 1 Point.

        Example: 11 Acceptance = 11 Points

b. Award in any salon/circuit will be counted as 5 Points.

c. Award like FIP GOLD, FIP RIBBON, FIAP GOLD, PSA GOLD will be counted as 10 Points.

d. Distinction recognized photography board will be counted as mention below

– AFIP, AFIAP, QPSA, PPSA, GPU (CROWN 1) = 15 Points

– EFIP, EFIAP and above, MPSA and above, GPU (CROWN 2 & 3) = 20 Points

– From other recognized photography board = 10 Points

** All the points for the member will be counted after joining Clickerz Community

** Once the member, leaves Clickerz Community club all the points will stand dissolved.

** 50 points during joining of Clickerz Community will not be eligible once the member has left the Clickerz community club.

* In case of any changes in club’s honor “Rules & Regulations”, the senior members of the club will discuss and notify the same through social media handle by the club.

* If any photographer is found guilty for any unfair means or face any type of ban from any recognized photography board, then point will be cancelled and Honor will be ceased and same will be published in social media platform.



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