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Photography is an art and this art has created a community within the photographers and clickerz community is trying to build a platform for all the artist related to photography not only in India but also all over the world.

Clickerz community is trying provide a platform where we as a friend, colleague, photo enthusiast or professional can come together and not only share their knowledge, but also create a place where, we can help our photographic society on tough days of life, by supporting the best way we can.

Clickerz Community also want to touch the heart of common people who are in a need of help.

Corona pandemic has help us to learn many things…………………………

  1. Be a human and come forward to help the needy people. These people, are not only our subject for taking their pictures. The best example is KUMARTUALI, KOLKATA. As a photographer we all create an award winning picture from kumartuali, but how many have visited that place to help them in his pandemic situation?
  2. Some of our photographer friends, who were the event photographers, in current situation are almost jobless.  How many of us have tried to help them?

There are countless examples……..

We as a part of this beautiful community of photography, should come forward and create a fund so that we can support everyone who need some help.

Clickerz community is in an initial stage to create a place for every one and we promise that in near future, as a community we will grow and try to touch many hearts in our best way.

Without your suggestion and support we won’t succeed in this noble venture, so please come forward …

Clickerz Community

Enjoy, Celebrate and Capture the moment. Be Human & Respect Humanity



Baranagar, near Sinthi More

Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Pin Code: 700036

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